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  1. Robert Moulds

    Love killer crow show girl outfit (gotta get that outfit) she actually fits in unlike safera stalker eyes on breast creepy and tacky. Prof squid loves taking advantage of women hell has no fury like a woman’s scorn and he’s getting what he deserves. Meanwhile after restraining shock jock I’ll put her on line using her to power Wonderbough with free electricity maybe the whole country even the world. When she is drined then she is free solving climate change and saving the world. While Donald Trump is doing nude under water basket waving in a lobster tank. Get it crabby, getting pinched and being shell fish. All the super heroes will have to save him while no super villian can resist a peice of the action. I’ll catch them, take away their super powers and feed them to my humbolt squids which I’ll sell as calmarie du macrabe said Catherine. Terry what if Donald Trump eats one of the lobsters becuase it’s uncooked manages to get food poisoning fouling the lobster tank? I stuffed his hands in foom pinchers. He is holding what’s left his member after it got the pitch almost as small as mine. If he fouls the tank the lobsters are saved and he suffers mohahahahaha. said Catherine wearing a pinstripe suit jacket, mini skirt, bustier body suit and heels on naked painted red Terry. If all the muscle Barbies apologized would you let me go? Said Terry. Oh that’ll never happen and you cropped another field my naked horny crab said Catherine.

    • So far we’ve met four members of the Felonious Five! I wonder who the fifth is… 😉

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